Secured Property    
(Homes, Buildings, Lands)

You will need your Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) or property address.

Secured Taxes info

  Unsecured Property
(Businesses, Boats, Airplanes)

You will need your Assessment Number, Assessor's Account Number, Business Name, or Business Address.

Unsecured Taxes info

A vendor-added convenience fee will be charged for using a debit or credit card to make payments.
Electronic Check (eCheck) payments are free.
This fee will be added to your total payment.

To avoid paying additional fees, pay online by eCheck, mail your payment, or bring your payment into our office.

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Echeck Debit NYCE Debit Pulse Debit Star Visa AMEX MasterCard Discover Through FIS

Department of Tax and Collections

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